
In Odesa, an official of the Ukrainian Central Bank was detained, who demanded 600 USD from the wife of a serviceman

In Odesa, an official of the Ukrainian Central Bank was detained, who demanded 600 USD from the wife of a serviceman
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In Odesa, an official of the Ukrainian Central Bank was detained, who demanded 600 USD from the wife of a serviceman Ukraine news 11 Aug 2023 at 10:36

The head of the mobilization department of one of the military-civil administrations in Odessa region demanded $6,000 from the wife of a serviceman for transferring him to another unit. This information was reported by the National Police of Ukraine.

The suspect was apprehended by the operatives of the Strategic Investigations Department in the Odessa region and investigators from the General Directorate of the National Police in the Odessa region.

"He demanded $6,000 unlawfully from the wife of a serviceman who had suffered severe injuries during combat operations. To avoid exposure and conceal his activities, he engaged an intermediary," the report stated.

In exchange for the mentioned sum, the head of the mobilization department promised to influence authorized personnel in the military unit to facilitate their decisions regarding issuing the necessary paperwork for the serviceman to continue his military service in another unit.

Currently, the official has been detained under Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. He has been informed of the suspicion under Part 3 of Article 369-2 (Abuse of Influence) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The issue of notifying the suspicion to his accomplice is also being addressed.


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