
In Poltava, magnolias bloomed on the territory of the agricultural university

In Poltava, magnolias bloomed on the territory of the agricultural university
In Poltava, magnolias bloomed on the territory of the agricultural university Ukraine news 02 May 2023 at 13:00

Traditionally, at the beginning of April, we show the incredible beauty that appears at this time on the territory of the Poltava State Agrarian University (Agrarian Academy).

Currently, the huge kobus magnolia tree, which grows on the territory of PDAU, is covered with white flowers. By the way, the first magnolia was planted in the park of the Agrarian Academy in 1976, it was brought from the Kyiv Botanical Garden named after Mykola Hryshka.

Usually, there is a queue of people who want to take a photo in front of these trees during the flowering period. But since we came early in the morning, we were able to enjoy its beauty without the noisy crowd.


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