
More than 10,000 schoolchildren of Poltava Oblast are studying abroad because of the war

More than 10,000 schoolchildren of Poltava Oblast are studying abroad because of the war
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More than 10,000 schoolchildren of Poltava Oblast are studying abroad because of the war Regions at war 14 Jun 2023 at 12:00

The Director of the Department of Education and Science of Poltava Regional State Administration, Yevhen Konchakovskyy, has reported that in 2022, nearly 16,000 students from Poltava Region went abroad for their education.

"In connection with the introduction of martial law within the country, a significant number of children left the territory. Regardless of their location, all children have the right to continuous education, whether through distance learning or any other method that is the safest for all participants. We have 528 general secondary education institutions with 138,000 students. Over the past year, 16,000 students left the country, which is 11.6% of the total number of students. As of September 1, 2022, 11,800 students, or 8.4%, studied abroad. As of June 9, after the end of the school year, 10,300 students, or 7.5%, are studying abroad," stated Yevhen Konchakovskyy.

Children abroad receive their education in accordance with their temporary place of residence, either through distance learning in schools of the Poltava Region, or a combination of various forms of education. Since the beginning of the military conflict, 352 teachers have gone abroad. As of September 1, at the beginning of the school year, 179 educational professionals were abroad, and by the end of the school year, there were 105.

According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, the following options for obtaining an education during the martial law period are considered:

1. Studying exclusively in an educational institution in the country where the student is located, in person.

2. Combining education in an educational institution in the country where the student is located in person with an institution of general and secondary education in Ukraine, including the International Ukrainian School, through one of the forms of education permitted by the legislation, such as distance learning, family-based learning, or external studies.

3. Studying in institutions or classes established in countries where the students are located, initiated by public organizations of Ukrainians, with the support of the authorities in charge of education in these countries, in collaboration with the State Lyceum International Ukrainian School, according to a signed agreement.

4. If it does not contradict Ukrainian legislation, students can study exclusively in an educational institution in Ukraine, using one of the forms of education permitted by the legislation, such as distance learning, family-based learning, or external studies.

This approach aims to ensure the continuous education of students during these challenging times.


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