
Wounded people, destroyed houses: eyewitness accounts of the missile attack on the Dnipro

Wounded people, destroyed houses: eyewitness accounts of the missile attack on the Dnipro
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Wounded people, destroyed houses: eyewitness accounts of the missile attack on the Dnipro Regions at war 24 Jun 2023 at 20:42

On the night of June 24th, Russian forces launched a massive attack on Dnipropetrovsk Oblast using missiles and drones. This attack resulted in 11 people being injured, including three children. Additionally, four buildings were destroyed, and another 25 sustained damage. Journalists from Suspilne (Public Broadcaster) visited the scene of the events.

Near the epicenter of the explosion, there's a house belonging to 64-year-old Natalia. During the attack, Natalia was at work, and her sister and her husband were at home with their grandson.

"Sister and brother-in-law were lying down. The blast shattered their legs, and everything else. They are currently being treated in the hospital. They're sewing up her head and neck, sewing everything. And their granddaughter's face, hand, and leg were affected. The fence even flew into the house, right into the house. It's unimaginable! We had just started making repairs! The door was torn off. The garden, like a cow's tongue, licked clean! And there were already tomatoes, cucumbers. There's nothing left!" Natalia recounts.

Tetyana, during the rocket attack, ran to the basement with her grandchildren after hearing explosions in the city.

"Children were taken from their beds, and we ran outside; the wave caught us in the hallway. I managed to hide a child and myself. The door was torn off, and everything flew inside. There's no roof, no windows. There's nothing! Everything was good, and they made it even 'better.' I would want them to carry the children in their arms, two years old and nine years old, who were thrown against the glass by the shockwave, so that they could feel it... The most important thing is that the children are alive, and we are alive. We'll restore everything else," Tetyana says.

As a result of the rocket strike, 11 people were injured, including three children. Seven adults and two boys aged 4 and 9 are in hospitals. After the overnight bombardment, three civilians arrived at the hospital. Two of them are in serious condition and are being treated at our hospital, while one patient refused hospitalization and went home for outpatient treatment, according to Mikhail, a surgical doctor at the admissions department.

A fire broke out at the site of the rocket strike, covering an area of nearly 25 square meters, which was extinguished by rescuers, says Igor Getalo, the head of the operational coordination center of the State Emergency Service of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

"Eight units of firefighting and rescue equipment and 41 personnel were involved in the elimination of the rocket strike. They inspected the destroyed and damaged residential buildings, found people, and escorted them to receive medical help," the rescuer says.

To recall, on the night of June 24th, Russian troops launched a massive attack on Dnipropetrovsk region using missiles and drones. One of the Russian missiles hit a private residential area. According to the spokesman of the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Yuriy Ignat, the Russian army attacked Dnipro with Kh-22 missiles.


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