
Escaping from shelling and flooding: evacuation buses from Kherson have arrived in Odesa

Escaping from shelling and flooding: evacuation buses from Kherson have arrived in Odesa
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Escaping from shelling and flooding: evacuation buses from Kherson have arrived in Odesa Regions at war 07 Jun 2023 at 18:26

On June 7, evacuation buses arrived in Odessa from Kherson. People have been leaving the flooded Kherson region for the second consecutive day due to the explosion at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant. Here's how the evacuation took place and what people brought with them, as reported by Suspilne.

Buses with evacuees from Kherson arrived at Starosinna Square in Odessa. Several dozen people disembarked from three buses, carrying only essential belongings.

One of those evacuating to Odessa is Angela Krisenko. She mentioned that she will stay with her mother in Odessa for now, who moved there last August. Angela said, "The shelling and flooding of the city continue. We are from the Shumensky district of Kherson, and we thought we wouldn't be flooded, but it affected us too. We waited, but for the sake of our child, we are forced to leave home. My mother, who moved here in August, evacuated and rented an apartment. We will stay with her for now and see how the situation develops. If necessary, we will return."

Another evacuee, Albina Soboleva from Kherson, shared that the water has already reached her house. She decided to evacuate while her husband and parents remained in Kherson for now.

The evacuation on-site was organized by volunteers and deputies of the Kherson City Council.

According to Andriy Medvedev, a deputy of the Kherson City Council, about 200 people from Kherson arrived in Odessa on evacuation buses. They are helping people find temporary accommodation in relocation centers or hotels that provide free housing.

The situation is critical, with many buildings in low-lying areas and the entire Kherson region flooded. People who want to evacuate come to the bus station. The "Desyatyy Kvitnya" (Tenth of April) foundation organizes the evacuation of people, bringing them to Odessa. People can stay temporarily in relocation centers or hotels for up to 5 days. Yesterday, about 70 people were received, and today 127 arrived in Odessa.

Recall that at 2:50 a.m. on June 6, Russian forces detonated the structures of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant in the Kherson region. This threatens about 80 settlements, including Kherson, with flooding. On the right bank, 10 villages and part of Kherson, particularly the Korabel district, are threatened with flooding. However, a significant portion of the left bank of the Dnipro River will be flooded because it is the lower bank.


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