
Patriotic record of Ukraine was set near Kropyvnytskyi

Patriotic record of Ukraine was set near Kropyvnytskyi
Patriotic record of Ukraine was set near Kropyvnytskyi Regions at war 30 Jun 2023 at 15:00

Today, on June 30, as part of the business forum "Women's Leadership in Times of Challenges" in Kropyvnytskyi, an event took place where children from the Kirovohrad region created protective talismans for the defenders of Ukraine. The event was titled "With Hearts and Minds – Together with the Defenders!" and was reported by the Kirovohrad Regional Council.

The event was initiated by the Kirovohrad Regional Council, the NGO "Public Initiatives of Maria Chorna," the Kirovohrad Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Kirovohrad Regional Center for Children and Youth Creativity.

The Chairman of the Regional Council, Yuriy Drozd, congratulated the children and organizers on achieving a patriotic record in Ukraine, with a total of 2077 talismans created. Children from various communities across the region participated both in person and online.

"Today is an extraordinary event for the Kirovohrad region. All the children of the region who contributed to this record placed a small talisman along with a note in a pouch. Our children are very patriotic, and they've made these talismans numerous times. That's why we decided to attempt to set a record. It's essential for the children to feel motivated and take pride in their achievements. This is not the first record we've set in Kirovohrad, and it won't be the last. We've already sung 'Chervona Kalyna' together with the whole world and made dumplings for our defenders. Today, we created talismans, and I don't even know what we'll come up with next, but there will be more records," said Maria Chorna, founder of the NGO "Public Initiatives."

All the handcrafted talismans, made with love by the children, will be delivered to the defenders on the front lines next week.


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