
In Odesa, resettled women master the profession of master eyebrow artist

In Odessa, internally displaced people are mastering the profession of a brow artist
In Odessa, internally displaced people are mastering the profession of a brow artist Regions at war 15 May 2023 at 17:16

In the Odessa Volunteer Center "Mriya," internally displaced people from various cities in Ukraine who lost their jobs due to the full-scale war are learning the profession of a brow artist for free. Ten participants have joined the three-week course, as reported by Suspline.

According to Sabina Nikitchenko, the director of the volunteer center "Mriya," the course "Brow Artist from Scratch" lasts for a month and consists of five practical and three theoretical lessons. All lessons are provided for women free of charge.

"In our volunteer center, people can receive a new profession, a new specialty, and start their lives anew for free. This is very important for people, especially for those who have moved to Odessa from other regions, for internally displaced people, to get a new chance to start a new life," says Sabina Nikitchenko.

Three theoretical classes have already taken place, and the women have moved on to practical training. Most of the course participants arrived in Odessa during the full-scale war. They shared their previous professions and why they came to learn a new skill with journalists.

One of the participants, Yulia, is an internally displaced person from Kherson. Before the war, she worked as a tourism manager and is now studying to become a brow artist. "This is my third class in the 'Brows for Beginners' course and the first time practicing on a model. So, it's something new for me. We try to make women even better and more beautiful," said the course participant. She left her city on the first day of the war because she has two young children. Her older son was already 10 years old and understood what was happening. He asked, "Mom, do I have to die? Will I die?" So, they packed their things and left on February 24th. Now, their city and their former life are being destroyed. They are uncertain whether they will have a place to return to.

Maria, who moved from Kakhovka, also joined the course. After her city was occupied by Russians, she lost her job as a confectioner.

She said, "I used to work as a confectioner - making desserts to order. I have a child. I would very much like to return, but I don't know how much time it will take to demine the entire territory. I'm very afraid to bring my child back there because the war may end, but the consequences of the war may persist for a long time."

Katerina, who is also from Kherson, decided to learn a new profession. She lived in the city almost throughout the entire occupation. "We have been here for eight months already, and we stayed in Kherson almost throughout the entire occupation.

After the fake referendum, we decided to leave. We had constant supply disruptions, but it seemed safer there than in all of Ukraine. Because the Russians didn't shoot at themselves, they shot at us. Our people shot precisely and accurately, and we knew everything would be fine with us," she recalls.

Natalia, from Kherson as well, worked in a school for many years before the full-scale invasion.

"I'm also an internally displaced person. I came to a new city from Kherson and decided to try something new. Everything is changing now, and we need to keep up with the times. I'm trying to learn a new profession," she explained.

After completing the course in a month, participants will receive certificates that they can use to find suitable employment opportunities.


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