
Inspections of bomb shelters are starting again in Kirovohrad Oblast

Inspections of bomb shelters are starting again in Kirovohrad Oblast
It is important
Inspections of bomb shelters are starting again in Kirovohrad Oblast Regions at war 03 Jun 2023 at 11:31

In April, a Civil Defense Shelter Month took place in the Kirovohrad region. During this time, inspections were conducted to check the organization of shelters for the population, compliance with safe conditions for people in shelters, including sanitation and hygiene matters. However, following the tragic events in Kyiv where 3 people died near a closed bomb shelter, it has been decided to conduct a new assessment of the state of civil defense protective structures in the Kirovohrad region.

Andriy Raikovych, the head of the Kirovohrad Regional Military Administration, made this announcement: "Good morning to all of Ukraine! We endured another night with prolonged anxiety. In the region, everything is calm. Nevertheless, yesterday's tragedy when the shelter did not protect people because it was closed forces us to once again realize the full responsibility for the elementary task that was left unfulfilled. Even after the Civil Defense Shelter Month inspection of shelters in the region, I have given instructions to the civil defense population management and the leaders of districts, territories, and communities to immediately verify and ensure systematic work on all shelters!

We would like to remind you that the primary document that regulates the operation and arrangement of civil defense protective structures is the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated July 9, 2018, No. 579, 'On approval of requirements for the use and accounting of the fund of civil defense protective structures.' This document sets requirements for the maintenance and operation of water supply and sewage networks, the organization of water supply, and the conditions for personal hygiene for people who will be in shelters."


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