
Singer Jerry Heil in Poltava was sold out, saw the "starry sky" and performed the national anthem together with the full hall (PHOTOS)

Singer Jerry Heil in Poltava was sold out, saw the "starry sky" and performed the national anthem together with the full hall (PHOTOS)
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Singer Jerry Heil in Poltava was sold out, saw the "starry sky" and performed the national anthem together with the full hall (PHOTOS) War is not everywhere 06 Jun 2023 at 16:34

On June 6th, popular Ukrainian singer Jerry Heil performed at the Poltava Center for Culture and Leisure. The concert was attended by a full audience who applauded and sang along to the words of both well-known and new songs throughout the performance. The concert was initially delayed due to an air raid warning, but once the threat had passed, the audience was invited into the hall.

The concert began with a lyrical song called "Мрія" (Dream), dedicated by Jerry Heil to the liberation war against Russian occupiers. During the first part of the performance, the singer focused on singing more lyrical songs, and the audience sang along with enthusiasm, especially to hits like "Дитяча мрія" (Childhood Dream) and "Пошта" (Mail). During the song "Арифметика кохання" (Arithmetic of Love), the audience illuminated the hall with the lights from their mobile phones, creating a magical "starry sky."

Jerry Heil performed not only her original songs but also tracks she recorded with other artists. She incorporated excerpts from her collaborations with alyonaalyona in songs like "Тато" (Dad), with alyonaalyona appearing as an image on the screen. Jerry Heil sang her parts live during these songs.

The second part of the concert featured more upbeat songs, and after performing "Kupala," Jerry Heil invited the audience to stand up and dance. She reminded the audience that it's okay to love black-browed people but not the Muscovites while performing a song based on Taras Shevchenko's timeless work.

Towards the end of the concert, Jerry Heil asked the audience to choose a song for her to perform. Unsurprisingly, the audience demanded her most famous hit, "Охрана, отмєна" (Security, Cancel), and the singer fulfilled their request.

To conclude the concert, Jerry Heil performed the National Anthem of Ukraine.

It was a lively and memorable performance enjoyed by the audience in Poltava.


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