
Police conducts interactive lesson for children on rules of safe behavior in Dnipropetrovs'k region

Police conducts interactive lesson for children on rules of safe behavior in Dnipropetrovs
Police conducts interactive lesson for children on rules of safe behavior in Dnipropetrovs'k region Ukraine news 13 May 2023 at 17:00

On May 12th, inspectors from the Juvenile Prevention Sector of the Kamianske Police Department, along with police officers from the Upper Dnipro Territorial Community, met with students from Haniv Lyceum. This was reported by the Main Directorate of the National Police in Dnipropetrovsk Region.

The police officers explained the basic rules of road safety, rules for cycling, skateboarding, and using hoverboards to the boys and girls. They also emphasized the importance of wearing reflective elements on clothing during nighttime hours. The law enforcement officers reminded the students of the rules for safe behavior at home, during school, and while on vacation.

The schoolchildren enthusiastically interacted with the law enforcement officers, answered questions, and shared real-life situations.

At the end of the event, the police officers showed the students a police car with sirens and a loudspeaker. The children felt like real police officers as they tried on the protective gear used by law enforcement officers in their duties.

The children expressed their gratitude to the police officers for the informative event and promised to follow all the safety rules they had learned.

Reminder: The Odessa police also participated in the 'Open Doors Day' at the National University 'Odesa Law Academy.' The career guidance event took place today, May 13th. Representatives from the personnel management department, forensic experts from the investigative department, police dog handlers from the canine center, and members of the special police battalion of the National Police in Odessa region engaged with young people to discuss the specifics of the police profession.


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