
Odesa Police joined the Open Day at the National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Odesa Police joined the Open Day at the National University «Odesa Law Academy»
Odesa Police joined the Open Day at the National University «Odesa Law Academy» Ukraine news 13 May 2023 at 12:00

Law enforcement officers assisted future students who decided to pursue a legal education in choosing their future profession.

A career guidance event took place today, on May 13th. Representatives from the personnel management department, forensic experts from the investigative department, police dog handlers from the canine center, and members of the special police battalion of the National Police of Odessa region engaged with young people to discuss the specifics of the police profession.

Nikola Tverdokhlib, the head of the selection organization department of the National Police of Odessa region, noted that the process of preparing personnel for law enforcement agencies is complex and multifaceted. The motivations and reasons that applicants have when choosing a profession play a crucial role.

"Today, the state needs motivated young people who will protect its interests and citizens. The National Police is an integral part of Ukraine's defense forces, and we presented some of its areas of activity to young men and women," he said.

In particular, the applicants were introduced to the intricacies of forensic work by criminalists, who showed them a mobile forensic laboratory in use.

The service duties of young people were explained by members of the special police battalion, demonstrating samples of their weapons and special equipment.

Senior K-9 Inspector Zinhīs Thomas demonstrated how he and his service dog, Bayr, locate people as well as weapons, explosive devices, narcotics, and more.

Also read: In Odessa, the 'Wall of Heroes' monument was unveiled in honor of border guards who sacrificed their lives in the struggle for Ukraine


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