In the city of Odessa, a special cancellation event was held for a postage stamp titled "Unconquered South," dedicated to the defenders of Ukraine's southern borders. This project was a collaborative effort between the well-known Odessa photographer Borys Bukhman, Ukrposhta (the national postal service), and border guards. The postage stamps feature images created by Boris Bukhman that portray the resilience and bravery of Ukrainian soldiers defending Ukraine's independence.
According to Borys Bukhman, he dedicated these stamps to the Ukrainian border guards who were the first to engage in combat along the state border, not only on February 24, 2022, but since the beginning of the war in 2014. Today, border guards continue to be true heroes, carrying out hundreds of combat missions.
When I return to Ukraine, as I often travel abroad for my exhibitions, our border guards are the first to greet me with a smile. I am very proud of our country. This postage issue is a tribute and a show of gratitude to our defenders because they are the descendants of Cossacks who bravely face all the challenges that our country encounters!" - Borys Bukhman added.
The stamps will be available for sale as part of a full postal set, including envelopes and cards. All proceeds from the sale will be directed to the needs of Ukrainian military personnel.
It's worth noting that in the past, a similar stamp dedicated to F-16 fighter jets was canceled in Dnipro.
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