
Meeting with mothers of captured and missing soldiers held in Poltava

Meeting with mothers of captured and missing soldiers held in Poltava
Meeting with mothers of captured and missing soldiers held in Poltava Ukraine news 14 May 2023 at 16:00

On May 14, on Mother's Day, Oleksiy Bruslyk, Deputy Head of the Poltava Regional Military Administration, met with the mothers of captured and missing soldiers. Women from all over Ukraine came to Poltava at the invitation of the public organization 'Mothers Union for Protection.'

'It is a great honor for me to greet you on Mother's Day on behalf of the Poltava Regional Military Administration in Poltava Region. I want to thank Lydia Misyurenko, the head of the 'Mothers Union for Protection,' and each one of you for your strength, unity, and public work. Your public service and life stance serve as an example for us,' said Oleksiy Bruslyk. 'We are in a terrible war. Unfortunately, on the front lines for freedom and independence, we lose the best of the best. We all face tremendous challenges, and our unity is crucial. The moral strength and resilience you demonstrate in response to the challenges of fate inspire others to believe in a better future. You support women who are waiting for their children from the front lines and set an example of resilience for those who have tragically lost their children in the war.'

In honor of Mother's Day, four extracurricular education institutions under regional jurisdiction organized a joint charity campaign called 'We Are Together!' Teachers and members of the clubs created cards and talismans, which they presented to the mothers of servicemen today.

Relatives of the military also visited the Museum of Heavy Bombing Aviation, a branch of the National Military History Museum of Ukraine, where they viewed an exhibition of destroyed Russian equipment and laid flowers at the Memorial Wall.

Read also: In Odessa region, the first square and monument to Mother were unveiled in the region


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