
The first public square and monument to the Mother of God was opened in Odesa

The first public square and monument to the Mother of God was opened in Odesa
The first public square and monument to the Mother of God was opened in Odesa Ukraine news 14 May 2023 at 09:00

In the Ivanivska community of Berezivka district in Odessa Oblast, the first park and monument to the Mother were inaugurated. The solemn opening of the park and the Mother monument took place on the eve of the holiday of the same name. This was reported by the Odessa Regional Council.

The event was attended by the first deputy chairman of the Odessa Regional Council, Oleg Radkovsky, deputies of the regional council, the head of a charitable foundation, as well as mothers who are heroes and mothers who have formed foster families.

For the community, this day was significant as it marked the first monument dedicated to mothers in Odessa Oblast.

"Your community is the first in Odessa Oblast, and perhaps even in Ukraine, to honor mothers with such a beautiful park and monument. I sincerely thank Viktor Lobach for this important initiative and, most importantly, for bringing it to life. The Ivanivska community is thriving and setting an example of good governance and love for their homeland," greeted Oleg Radkovsky.

It's worth mentioning that in Dnipro, on the eve of International Family Day, a family celebration took place in Amur Park, where parents and children played "playful football," enjoyed dance performances, watched fencing and karate tournaments, and participated in festive flash mobs, including face painting for the youngest guests.


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