
Woman who successfully underwent liver transplant discharged from hospital in Vinnytsia

Woman who successfully underwent liver transplant discharged from hospital in Vinnytsia
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Woman who successfully underwent liver transplant discharged from hospital in Vinnytsia Ukraine news 21 Aug 2023 at 11:42

Zinaida Mykolaivna has been discharged from Vinnytsia Regional Hospital named after Mykola Pirogov after a successful liver transplant. Without the surgery, her condition could have been much worse. She had experienced liver failure, three comas, and spent six months in the hospital. This marks the first liver transplant from a donor in Vinnytsia. Currently, she is undergoing rehabilitation and is in good health, regularly monitored by doctors.

This information was reported by Vinnytsia Regional State Administration.

Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Hospital named after Pirogov is one of the top 5 transplant centers where kidney, liver, and heart transplants are performed. They expressed their gratitude to the doctors who continue to work diligently despite the challenges. They wish a speedy recovery to Mrs. Zinaida, emphasizing that this successful transplant marks a significant achievement in Vinnytsia's medical community.

Earlier, we reported on the case of Sergey, a resident of Kyiv, who received a heart transplant in Vinnytsia. He became the first person to undergo a successful heart transplant in Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Hospital named after Mykola Pirogov. The surgery was performed by a team of doctors from the National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after Mykola Amosov and transplant specialists from the regional hospital. Sergey had a defibrillator implanted the previous year and had been feeling unwell, struggling even to walk. The transplant became his lifeline, giving him a chance at a healthy life by receiving a new heart in Vinnytsia.


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