
Three families from Poltava handed over biomaterial of deceased relatives to military hospitals

Three families from Poltava handed over biomaterial of deceased relatives to military hospitals
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Three families from Poltava handed over biomaterial of deceased relatives to military hospitals Ukraine news 25 Aug 2023 at 18:50

In one of the medical facilities in Poltava, the collection of human tissues has begun, which leading hospitals can use for biotransplantations to treat wounded soldiers. This was reported by the Poltava Regional Public Health Center. The Poltava Regional Pathoanatomical Bureau will be responsible for collecting biomaterials. These tissues can be used for advanced biotransplantation procedures.

"For the patient, a donor organ remains foreign for life, so a regular transplant cannot fully restore the body. However, the tissues taken from a person posthumously undergo processing. They remove everything that can cause rejection. What remains is calcium, collagen, stroma – the foundation that the body does not perceive as foreign. The cells of such tissue grow, 'take root,' and this allows a person to fully recover from tendon ruptures or joint transplants," said transplant coordinator, surgeon, and director of the Poltava Regional Pathoanatomical Bureau Vadim Ukrayintsev.

This material is also used to grow bone tissue in dentistry. It is used to repair hernias, restore vision in people with corneal scarring, and vascular surgery is moving away from artificial prostheses in favor of materials made from the vessels of deceased individuals.

Recently, the Poltava bureau started collecting such tissues. Over the past week, the families of three deceased individuals have given consent for the collection of biomaterial. These materials will be sent to cities where leading military hospitals are located.

By agreement, some of the biomaterial may be returned to medical institutions in the Poltava region. In the near future, the bureau plans to collect cartilage and fascia from tendons, followed by the hard shell of the brain and eye tissues.

It is worth noting that in May, the first heart transplant was performed in Poltava. The recipient was a 49-year-old man from Kyiv Oblast who had a dire diagnosis – dilated cardiomyopathy. He is currently doing well, and his new heart is functioning. The surgery was performed by the Institute of the Heart of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and colleagues from the Poltava Regional Hospital named after Sklifosovsky. The first heart transplant in Poltava took place overnight on May 5, 2023, in Odesa City Clinical Hospital No. 1.


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