
In the Poltava region sowed the largest sunflower area in Ukraine

Work has already been completed on 40% of the planned areas
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Work has already been completed on 40% of the planned areas Ukraine news 09 May 2023 at 11:27

In the Poltava region, the complex of spring fieldwork is ongoing. Farmers have already sown rapeseed and early grains, as well as the majority of sunflower fields. The region leads Ukraine in this regard. This was reported by the Poltava Regional Military Administration.

"Spring days are precious for our farmers, as they must consider the whims of the rainy weather. However, early grains and rapeseed have been sown in the region, and sugar beets are nearing completion. More than half of the sunflower fields have been sown. Poltava region leads Ukraine in this indicator. Planting corn is gaining momentum, and soybean planting is commencing. We thank our farmers for their tireless work," commented Dmytro Lunin, the head of the Poltava Regional Military Administration.

Overall, fieldwork has been completed on approximately 40% of the planned areas in the region. Rainy weather is not favorable for the spring planting campaign, but it benefits winter crops.

Petro Sokirko, the director of the state enterprise "Stepne Experimental Farm," noted that farmers have to work in force majeure circumstances. They face factors beyond their control, with one of the most significant factors being the war. Another factor is rainy weather.

"Over the past two years, rainy weather has somewhat hindered us from starting spring fieldwork on time. But we coped with it. There is an understanding that moisture is of great importance. This year, spring fieldwork also started later. We changed the crop rotation structure, increasing areas under cereal and legume crops, especially soybeans, which bring significant benefits to the soil. We have finished sowing early grains. Currently, we are sowing sunflowers and corn. There are difficulties, but we are Ukrainians! We will overcome! We will sow and harvest!" emphasized Petro Sokirko.

Earlier, we reported that African swine fever was recorded in a village in the Kirovohrad region.


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