
In Poltava region, 80 percent of frauds were committed via the Internet

In Poltava region, 80 percent of frauds were committed via the Internet
In Poltava region, 80 percent of frauds were committed via the Internet Ukraine news 25 May 2023 at 17:00

In Poltava region, compared to 2022, the number of fraud cases has increased by 160%. In 2023, over 1,400 criminal investigations have already been initiated regarding fraudulent activities in the region. This information was shared by the head of the Poltava region police, Yevhen Rogachov, during a briefing at the official media center of Poltava region, as reported by the Poltava Regional Military Administration.

"Since the beginning of the year, over 1,400 criminal investigations have been initiated in the region regarding cases of fraud. In 305 of these crimes, individuals have been informed of suspicion. Over 200 criminal investigations have been sent to court with indictments this year," said Yevhen Rogachov.

The head of the Poltava region police stated that the most common fraudulent schemes in the region involve buying and selling through the internet, with 446 cases recorded. The second most prevalent are cases where pseudo-bank employees request citizens' payment card details, totaling 331 cases. Phishing emails aiming to obtain bank card data rank third, with 318 cases. Additionally, scams involving false claims of a relative being involved in a car accident, police matters, or medical emergencies amounted to 43 cases. In 14 cases, fraudsters exchanged old banknotes for new ones.

"Statistics show that almost 80% of fraudulent actions are committed using adapted schemes on the internet. In the conditions of martial law, the scheme of renting non-existent housing for people coming from conflict zones has become relevant. What do fraudsters do? They promise people housing and ask for a certain advance payment, but after receiving the money, the criminals, as always, disconnect their phones," explained the head of the regional police.

Earlier in Vinnytsia region, a fraudster who swindled 1.7 million hryvnias from a volunteer was exposed.


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