
In Dnipro, the enemy attacked a residential area of the city with a missile: two people were killed and several went missing (PHOTOS)

In Dnipro, the enemy attacked a residential area of the city with a missile: two people were killed and several went missing (PHOTOS)
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In Dnipro, the enemy attacked a residential area of the city with a missile: two people were killed and several went missing (PHOTOS) Ukraine news 26 May 2023 at 16:00

Russian occupiers conducted a second rocket attack on the city of Dnipro within a day. The missile hit one of the medical facilities where doctors were providing outpatient care to patients. The building caught fire after the strike, and a nearby veterinary clinic also ignited. Several casualties have been reported from the rocket attack, and efforts are underway to locate additional missing individuals. This information was provided by the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration.

"It's a difficult day for Dnipro. Two powerful rocket attacks. With a break of a few hours. The enemy hit a residential area of the city. Hospitals and a veterinary clinic were affected. The stadium, school, and residential buildings were also hit. Two people were killed. Among them is a 69-year-old man who was just passing by. He was killed by shrapnel from the enemy's hardware," said Volodymyr Orlov, the first deputy head of the Regional Military Administration.

The Regional Military Administration reports that at the time of the impact on the hospital, medical staff were in the process of changing shifts, which helped avoid a greater number of casualties.

"The reception was on two floors. Another floor was allocated for internally displaced persons. They were supposed to leave a month ago. I hope they did. After extinguishing the fire at 13:40, we started searching for people. The whereabouts of three individuals who could have been in the building at the time are still unknown," explained the Mayor of Dnipro, Boris Filatov.

Later in the day, the body of one of the deceased was recovered from the veterinary clinic. It is known that at the time of the strike, a man was doing repairs in the building. On May 27th, Dnipro declared a day of mourning for the victims.

Additionally, an Odessa resident was sentenced to 15 years in prison for providing information about the location of air defense systems to Russian occupiers.


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