
Search operations in Dnipro completed - SES

Search operations in Dnipro completed - SES
Search operations in Dnipro completed - SES Ukraine news 27 May 2023 at 09:00

As of the morning of May 27, search and rescue operations at the site of the missile strike on a medical facility in Dnipro have been completed, as reported by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

Three individuals are still missing and unaccounted for. At the site of the rocket strike, body fragments have been discovered, and forensic experts are currently examining them.

Additionally, there are reports of 32 individuals injured, with 13 of them still in the hospital. Five of the injured are in critical condition, and two individuals have tragically lost their lives.

It is worth noting that Russian occupiers conducted a second missile attack on the city of Dnipro within a day. The missile hit a medical facility where outpatient medical care was being provided to patients. Following the impact, the building caught fire, and a nearby veterinary clinic also ignited. Several casualties have been reported due to the missile strike, and search efforts are ongoing for other missing individuals. The regional military administration has reported that during the strike on the hospital, medical staff were conducting a shift change, which helped prevent even more casualties.

During the day, one of the deceased individuals was recovered from the veterinary clinic. It is known that at the time of the strike, a man was working on repairs inside the building.

On May 27, Dnipro declared a Day of Mourning in honor of the victims.


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