
Russian military fires artillery at Dnipropetrovs'k region

Photo: for illustrative purposes
Photo: for illustrative purposes Ukraine news 27 May 2023 at 08:00

During the night of May 27, Russian military forces conducted two strikes in the Nikopol district of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. This information was reported by the head of the regional council, Mykola Lukashuk, in his Telegram channel.

According to his statements, on the evening of May 26, the Russian army launched an attack on the Marganets community using heavy artillery. Fortunately, there were no reported casualties.

On the morning of May 27, Russia initiated a second attack on the community's territory, resulting in damage to power transmission lines.

In other areas of the region, it remained relatively calm during the night, as noted by the official.

As previously reported, Russian occupiers conducted a second missile strike on the city of Dnipro within a day. The missile hit a medical facility where outpatient medical care was being provided to patients. The building caught fire after the impact, and a nearby veterinary clinic also ignited. Several casualties were reported as a result of the missile strike, with ongoing efforts to locate missing individuals. The regional military administration has reported that during the strike on the hospital, medical staff were conducting a shift change, which helped prevent even more casualties.

During the day, one of the deceased individuals was recovered from the veterinary clinic. It is known that at the time of the strike, a man was working on repairs inside the building. On May 27, Dnipro declared a Day of Mourning for the victims.


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