
In Dnipro, a competition was held for condominium buildings

In Dnipro, a competition was held for condominium buildings
In Dnipro, a competition was held for condominium buildings Ukraine news 05 May 2023 at 09:00

In Dnipro, a competition was organized for residential building associations (OSBBs) for the best Saturday cleanup. This initiative was proposed by the Department for Self-Organization of the Population of the Dnipro City Council.

"This competition is being held for the first time. Residents of any OSBB or housing cooperative (ZhBK) should organize a cleanup in their courtyard. It can involve cleaning the yard or landscaping. After that, take a photo of this Saturday cleanup and post it on social media with the hashtags #Clean_Dnipro or #Blooming_Dnipro and be sure to tag our page. We will select 5 photos of the best cleanups that receive the most likes and comments on their posts. They will receive quality equipment for cleaning and maintaining the building's territory. We will also select an additional 10 participants to receive small gifts. The contest will run until May 15, and winners will be selected after that," said Victoria Bazishina, the chief specialist of the Department for Self-Organization of the Population of the Dnipro City Council.

Among the participants is OSBB "Yudam."

"Overall, we clean our courtyard every day with the residents, someone plants something, and we create new flower beds. But it's nice that such contests are organized because it combines useful activities with pleasant ones. In general, the city often helps us with waste removal, tree trimming, and other tasks, so we are very grateful," said Irina Malamuzh, the head of the OSBB "Yudam" board.

On his part, Alexander, a resident of OSBB "Yudam," added: "Today, I also went out to tidy up the courtyard of my building because cleanliness is important to me, and such beauty gives positivity and a good mood in these challenging times.

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