
Poltava region is taking state subvention for the obstruction of Ukrainian schools

Poltava region is taking state subvention for the obstruction of Ukrainian schools
Poltava region is taking state subvention for the obstruction of Ukrainian schools Ukraine news 13 May 2023 at 08:00

22 communities in Poltava region have submitted project applications for the arrangement of shelters in educational institutions. Projects that meet the criteria set by a government thematic resolution will be selected, and the subvention from the state budget will be allocated for their implementation.

This was discussed at the general meeting of the Poltava Regional Association of Local Self-Government Bodies held on May 12 in Reshetilivka.

Eugene Konchakovskiy, the Director of the Department of Education and Science of Poltava Regional State Administration, talked about the arrangement of basic shelters in educational institutions in Poltava region.

"The issue of the educational process is one of the most important because the last three years have been objectively challenging for in-person learning. Therefore, the topic of arranging shelters in schools is currently relevant. This year, many shelters have been arranged in general education schools. 359 schools already have arranged shelters," said Eugene Konchakovskiy. "The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a resolution on providing a subvention from the state budget to local budgets for arranging safe conditions in general secondary education institutions and has approved the procedure and conditions for providing funds. According to the allocation of the subvention volume, 54 million hryvnias have been allocated to Poltava region. From the applications submitted by communities, those that meet the criteria for project implementation will be selected."

Read also: A meeting with the coordinator of projects of the UN Children's Fund took place in Poltava."


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