
In Odesa, the commander of the branch of the military unit was arrested for bribery

In Odessa, the commander of a military unit was arrested on bribery charges
In Odessa, the commander of a military unit was arrested on bribery charges Ukraine news 08 May 2023 at 12:51

In Odessa, the commander of a military unit, who impersonated an official from the RTCK and SP, has been arrested for receiving a bribe of 2.5 million dollars. The suspect received the money for facilitating the issuance of documents for crossing the border.

This information was reported on May 8 by the press service of the Specialized Prosecutor's Office for Defense in the Southern Region.

The investigation revealed that the serviceman, while posing as an official of one of the RTCK and SP centers in the Odessa region, received a bribe for assisting a conscript in obtaining documents for crossing the border.

The man was arrested on May 2 during the exchange of money. Currently, the investigation is examining the involvement of other individuals in the crime.

The detachment commander has been charged with receiving unlawful benefits by a public official. If his guilt is proven, he could face imprisonment for a term ranging from five to ten years, with the deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years, along with property confiscation.

Also, in Odessa, truck drivers will be able to register in the electronic queue for border crossing using the 'E-Queue' application or on the website echerha.gov.ua. This service will start operating from May 8.


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