
Which of the Ukrainians can be obliged to work longer during the war

Which of the Ukrainians can be obliged to work longer during the war
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Which of the Ukrainians can be obliged to work longer during the war Ukraine news 26 Jul 2023 at 18:33

Ukrainians may be required to work longer hours during the state of war. The relevant rules are provided by a law passed in March 2022, as reported by the State Service of Ukraine for Labor.

Specifically, this law allows for an increase in the workweek to 60 hours, and the duration of the weekly uninterrupted rest period can be reduced to 24 hours – meaning only one day off instead of two. This law applies to employees engaged in critical infrastructure facilities (defense sector, ensuring the livelihood of the population, and others in Ukraine).

"A five-day or six-day workweek is determined by the employer. The start and end times of daily work (shifts) are determined by the employer," as stated on the department's website.

It is worth noting that in the event of a decision to increase working hours, the employer is obliged to pay employees more proportionally to the increase in working hours.

As estimated by the Ministry of Economy, Ukraine will need to additionally attract 4.5 million workers to the labor market over the next ten years.

According to experts, the demand for labor will only increase in the post-war era during the reconstruction of society.

It should be mentioned that even before the onset of full-scale invasion, Ukraine faced a labor shortage. However, now that over 6 million Ukrainians have been forced to leave the country, the economic situation has become even more critical.


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