
Cherkasy region. SSU officers detain former head of district council who sold fake certificates of disability to recruits disability certificates (VIDEO)

Cherkasy region. SSU officers detain former head of district council who sold fake certificates of disability to recruits disability certificates (VIDEO)
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Cherkasy region. SSU officers detain former head of district council who sold fake certificates of disability to recruits disability certificates (VIDEO) Ukraine news 05 Aug 2023 at 10:05

In Cherkasy Region, Ukraine's Security Service (SSU) detained the former chairman of the Smila District Council. The ex-official was involved in selling forged disability certificates to potential conscripts for military service. For his "services," he charged from 3 to 6 thousand dollars (depending on how urgently the "client" needed to travel abroad). With such certificates, they had the opportunity to leave the country during wartime.

This information was reported on the Facebook page of the SSU in Cherkasy Region.

It was determined that the former official obtained these forged certificates thanks to his personal connections among medical professionals.

Additionally, in Cherkasy Region, SSU operatives exposed an official who was a member of the local military medical commission. He also assisted in obtaining fake certificates for residents of the region who wanted to avoid conscription. For a fee ranging from 3 to 6 thousand dollars, he helped individuals obtain certificates stating their unfitness for military service due to their health condition.

Based on the gathered evidence, both suspects have been charged with three articles of the Ukrainian Criminal Code: Part 3 of Article 369-2 "Abuse of Influence," Part 3 of Article 332 "Illegal Transportation of Persons across the State Border," and Part 3 of Article 368 "Acceptance of a Proposal, Promise, or Receipt of an Unlawful Benefit by a Public Official." Investigations are ongoing in both cases, and both perpetrators could face up to 10 years in prison with property confiscation.

Earlier in Poltava Region, the SSU detained a traitor who worked as a "corrector" for the occupiers.


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