
DBR investigates more than 110 criminal proceedings on military officials' abuses

DBR investigates more than 110 criminal proceedings on military officials
DBR investigates more than 110 criminal proceedings on military officials' abuses Ukraine news 08 Aug 2023 at 11:00

Since the beginning of the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the State Bureau of Investigations (DBR) has been investigating 112 cases involving officials from territorial recruitment and social support centers. According to the DBR press service, as a result of this work, 15 indictments have already been sent to court.

The motives behind these 'popular' offenses committed by military officials from military enlistment offices are personal gain, which leads them to disregard both conscience and responsibility for the fate of the country.

The DBR is intensifying its efforts to counter crimes in military enlistment offices and warns that any schemes will be exposed and those responsible will be held accountable.

Currently, the verification of the activities and lifestyles of employees at territorial recruitment and social support centers is ongoing. All violations will be rigorously and uncompromisingly assessed in accordance with the Criminal Code.

Notable cases of abuses uncovered in military enlistment offices include:

In Zaporizhia, the DBR uncovered a military commissioner who organized an enrichment scheme for his associates and helped criminals evade the law.
In Zakarpattia, the DBR reported suspicions against a military commissar who forced a soldier to build his estate.
In Kyiv Oblast, the DBR exposed an official from a territorial recruitment and social support center for aiding illegal border crossings.
In Poltava Oblast, the DBR reported suspicions against a military commissioner who brutally beat his subordinate.
In Odesa, the DBR reported suspicions of illegal enrichment against a former military commissioner.
In Rivne Oblast, a regional military commissioner who assaulted a soldier was imprisoned.
In Cherkasy Oblast, the DBR reported suspicions against an employee of a military commissariat who took $10,000 to 'protect' men from military service.
In Vinnytsia Oblast, the DBR exposed a criminal group that facilitated evasions at the Vinnytsia recruitment center.
In Kramatorsk District, the DBR uncovered a mechanism for issuing fake documents for crossing the state border; a military commissioner from Donetsk Oblast was involved in the scheme.

Cases from Bukovyna that aimed to profit from issuing deferment certificates for mobilization evasion will also go to court.

Related topic: In Poltava Oblast, a criminal group attempting to bribe an SBU officer has been apprehended.


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