
Eight new territories of the nature reserve fund were created in Kirovohrad Oblast

Eight new territories of the nature reserve fund were created in Kirovohrad Oblast
Eight new territories of the nature reserve fund were created in Kirovohrad Oblast Ukraine news 10 Aug 2023 at 10:45

In Kirovohrad Oblast, plans are underway to create new territories for the local-level natural reserve fund, covering an area of 322.25 hectares. The Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Kirovohrad Regional State Administration has developed eight projects for this purpose, as announced during a briefing by the department's director, Vyacheslav Dubrovsky.

These new territories include:

"Balta Krutoyarka" (20 hectares)
"Balta Stepivska" (61 hectares)
"Urochyshe Rozdilske" (21.5 hectares)
"Balta Olenivska" (21 hectares)
"Urochyshe Osykuvate" (35 hectares)
"Balta Hromokleyivska" (52 hectares)
"Urochyshe Solone Ozero" (111 hectares)
Botanical reserve "Balta Polova" (0.75 hectares).

Overall, Kirovohrad Oblast currently has 241 territories and objects in the natural reserve fund, covering nearly 102,000 hectares. Of these, 26 territories and objects have national significance, while the rest have local significance.

Note: Natural reserve fund lands are areas of land and water with natural complexes and objects that have special environmental, ecological, scientific, aesthetic, recreational, and other values, to which the status of territories and objects of the natural reserve fund has been granted in accordance with the law.

For reference, in Odessa, there are plans to expand the historical city center, which is included in UNESCO's World Heritage List. The UNESCO Committee made recommendations during the inclusion of Odessa's historical center in the World Heritage List, including expanding the boundaries of the heritage site while excluding the Odessa port territory from these boundaries.

Read also: The State Bureau of Investigations (DBR) is investigating over 110 criminal cases related to abuses by conscription officers.


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