
Real emotions during the war: regional artists performed at the White Gazebo in Poltava Philharmonic Hall (PHOTO)

Real emotions during the war: regional artists performed at the White Gazebo in Poltava Philharmonic Hall (PHOTO)
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Real emotions during the war: regional artists performed at the White Gazebo in Poltava Philharmonic Hall (PHOTO) War is not everywhere 09 Jun 2023 at 18:04

On June 8th, in Poltava, an open-air concert by artists from the Poltava Regional Philharmonic was taking place on the White Rotunda. Musicians from the Philharmonic and the song and dance ensemble "Poltava," led by Oleksiy Ruban, performed for the audience.

The concert featured the best works by Ukrainian composers. Many of the songs were immediately recognized by the audience, and they enthusiastically joined in singing along to the lyrics they've known from childhood. Due to the lack of seating, some people sat on the curbs, and others simply stood while enjoying the performance. After each composition, the audience showed their appreciation with applause.

It's clear that during these difficult times, with constant missile strikes and air raid alerts, people have been longing for live music and authentic songs. This concert served as a relief, offering them a brief escape from the war and the constant threats, even if only for a short time.

However, even during this concert, the audience couldn't fully disconnect from the harsh reality. Just as the second part of the concert began, news arrived that Russian missiles were flying over Ukraine. Continuing the concert posed a risk to both the artists and the audience. The host thanked everyone for attending the concert and asked them to move to the nearest safe shelter. The presence of the people was appreciated, and the audience thanked the performers as well as the Armed Forces of Ukraine, particularly the Air Defense Forces, who protect the skies over Poltava and the entire country.

It is heartening to know that this interrupted concert at the White Rotunda is not the last. The artists from the regional Philharmonic plan to hold another concert here on June 28th to celebrate Constitution Day. In July, there are two more concerts scheduled at the White Rotunda, featuring the "Krayany band" and the "Churayivna" ensemble.

Previously, at Poltava's Yuri Kondratyuk National Technical University, popular Ukrainian singers Oleksandr Ponomariov and Mykhailo Khoma performed. Together with the host Yuriy Horbunov, they came to Poltava to raise funds to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In an open-air setting, the performers participated in a charity concert for students, teachers, locals, and guests of the city.


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