
A mass death of carp was discovered in a reservoir in Vinnytsia

A mass death of carp was discovered in a reservoir in Vinnytsia
It is important
A mass death of carp was discovered in a reservoir in Vinnytsia Ukraine news 18 Aug 2023 at 13:33

In the water reservoir of Bratslav, Vinnytsia region, a mass mortality of crucian carp has been detected. The report of fish mortality was received on the emergency hotline of the Vinnytsia Fishery Patrol from local residents on August 17th.

This information was shared on the Facebook page of the Vinnytsia Fishery Patrol. An operational group of fishery patrol officers was dispatched to the location and inspected the water reservoir in Bratslav, Tulchyn District, near the road bridge, 300 meters upstream.

Experts found the bodies of silver crucian carp in the water. The majority of the dead fish were in the overgrown coastal zone. To determine possible causes of the incident, the fishery patrol officers collected a water sample and handed it over to the State Environmental Inspection in Vinnytsia Oblast.

Recall that on July 24th, a report of fish mortality at the "Bahatske" pond in Vinnytski Khutory village was received by the State Environmental Inspection in Vinnytsia Oblast. Experts inspected the water reservoir, collected water samples, and during the inspection found 125 specimens of dead fish - 120 crucian carp and 3 carp. They calculated the damages, which amounted to a total of 2,420 hryvnias.

Water samples were tested for the level of dissolved oxygen, which ranged from 14.5 mg/dm³ to 18.1 mg/dm³, within the permissible range of no less than 4 mg/dm³.

Members of the amateur fishing union state that the mass fish mortality began after the rains a few days before the incident.

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