
Russian occupants attacked Dnipropetrovs'k region with a drone and artillery

Russian occupants attacked Dnipropetrovs
Russian occupants attacked Dnipropetrovs'k region with a drone and artillery Ukraine news 25 May 2023 at 08:00

In the evening and morning, Russian occupiers shelled the Nikopol district in the Dnipropetrovsk region, targeting the city of Nikopol and the Marganetska community. The consequences of these enemy attacks were reported by the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

In the evening, a hostile kamikaze drone attacked the Marganetska community in the Nikopol district. The drone struck a private residential building, but fortunately, the occupants survived. In the morning, the occupiers shelled the city of Nikopol with heavy artillery. Details regarding the consequences of these attacks are still being clarified.

Previously, in the Odessa region, a hostile agent was sentenced to life imprisonment for providing information to the occupiers regarding the defense forces in the region. Prosecutors in court demonstrated that after the start of the full-scale invasion, the former police officer was recruited by a representative of the Russian Federation to conduct reconnaissance and subversive activities in the region. He collected intelligence on the locations and movements of Ukrainian military equipment, the situation in the ports of Odessa and Chornomorsk, and railway connections. To fulfill the tasks assigned by Russian handlers, the informant purchased and installed three video cameras, so-called "photo traps," along the railway tracks in the suburbs of Odessa to monitor passing freight trains. Real-time data captured by the cameras was received by representatives of Russian special services through a mobile application. The agent received 50,000 hryvnias for the purchase and installation of these "photo traps."

Additionally, an Odessa resident was sentenced to 15 years in prison for aiding the enemy in guiding hostile rockets. Prosecutors in court established that the man voluntarily assisted the aggressor state in conducting subversive activities against Ukraine. The informant gathered information about the number and routes of movement of personnel, defensive fortifications, their camouflage, the locations of military equipment, and weapons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Odessa and the region. He collected information from social networks and Telegram channels about volunteers providing assistance to the Ukrainian armed forces, Odessa residents taking an active pro-Ukrainian stance, and passed this information to Russian curators. The agent also provided Russian handlers with personal data of known Ukrainian servicemen, with the intention of their elimination and committing other crimes against them.


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