
August 9. Results of the day

August 9. Results of the day
August 9. Results of the day Results of the day 09 Aug 2023 at 21:00

532nd day of large-scale armed aggression by the Russian Federation against our state continues. Briefly summarizing the main events of the day that has passed.

During the day, there were 22 combat clashes on the front. Defense forces continue their offensive operations on the Melitopol and Berdiansk fronts and inflicted 23 strikes on Russian positions.

During the day, Russians launched 2 missile and 28 aviation strikes, conducted 35 shelling attacks with multiple rocket launchers on the positions of the Defense Forces and populated areas. There have been casualties and injuries among the civilian population due to Russian attacks, with residential buildings and other civilian infrastructure suffering damage.

Since the evening, the aggressor has shelled Nikopol three times. Heavy artillery was directed at Nikopol itself and the Marganetska community. One person was killed, and three were injured. This was reported by the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

An 18-year-old young man was killed. Men aged 21, 35, and 44 were injured. They suffered from mine-explosive injuries and shrapnel wounds. A church, 5 private houses, 2 economic structures, cars, and several power lines were damaged.

As a result of a special operation in Kropyvnytskyi, a criminal group of extortionists led by a city council deputy was neutralized. This was reported by the SSU press service. Under his leadership, the criminals extorted $92,000 from a local entrepreneur, with whom the deputy had a joint business. The victim was supposed to transfer this amount to the criminals as payment for a non-existent debt to the leader of the criminal group.

SSU operatives detained the deputy in the regional center during the transfer of the second part of the 'tribute.' Before that, the Ukrainian special service documented the fact of him receiving the first 'installment' from the entrepreneur.

According to the procedural guidance of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office, a local resident is suspected of distributing materials with calls for violent change and overthrow of the constitutional order of Ukraine (Part 2 of Article 109 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). According to the investigation, the suspect repeatedly posted anti-Ukrainian publications on his page in a banned social network. He called on Ukrainians to seize state power with weapons and join Russia. In his posts, he also expressed gratitude to the president of the aggressor state for the conduct of the so-called 'special operation.'

Reconstruction work is ongoing in the villages of Kherson region, which Cherkasy region has taken under its patronage. In particular, 32 houses have already been restored in Ivanivka, and 26 more are currently being worked on. This was reported by the head of the Cherkasy Regional State Administration, Ihor Taburets.

As he explained, one of the brigades is working on Victory Street in Ivanivka.

Youth is the driving force for the development of our community and all of Ukraine. This is the main thesis of the forum 'Youth in post-war recovery of Ukraine.' It started today, August 9, as reported by the Vinnytsia City Council. The city and regional leaders congratulated those present on the upcoming Youth Day, which Ukraine has been celebrating for the second year in a row on August 12. Mayor Serhiy Morgunov noted that young people have always been agents of change. In Ukraine, they played a key role during the Revolution of Dignity.


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