
August 8. Results of the day

August 8. Results of the day
August 8. Results of the day Results of the day 08 Aug 2023 at 21:00

The five hundred and thirty-first day of the large-scale armed aggression by the Russian Federation against our state is ongoing. In brief, let's summarize the key events of the day that is passing.

Over the past day, there have been approximately 20 armed clashes on the front lines. The Russian army attempted offensives on four different fronts, but all attacks were repelled by the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

According to the General Staff, during the day, the enemy launched 3 missile strikes and 47 airstrikes, conducting 55 artillery bombardments with multiple rocket launchers against the positions of our troops and populated areas.

Unfortunately, as a result of Russian terrorist attacks, there have been casualties and injuries among the civilian population, with damage to residential buildings and other civilian infrastructure.

During the night, the Nikopol region experienced 4 shellings, and one more occurred in the morning. Thankfully, there were no casualties or injuries, but there has been significant damage. Specifically, 2 schools were damaged in Nikopol, along with an administrative building. Additionally, 12 private houses, 2 farm buildings, cars, a gas pipeline, and 4 power transmission lines were affected.

In Pokrovska community, the enemy's artillery fire damaged an energy facility. In the Odessa region, preparations are underway to prepare beaches for the season. According to the head of the Odessa Regional State Administration, Oleg Kiper, water quality in the Black Sea has stabilized and meets all sanitary standards.

Beaches will be allowed to operate provided certain conditions are met, including protective nets to prevent mines, observation and rescue posts, buoys, and loudspeaker systems, along with nearby shelters.

The State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) is investigating over 110 criminal cases related to abuses by military commissariats. According to the SBI press service, the results of this work have led to 15 indictment motions being submitted to the courts.

Motivated by personal gain, military commissariat officials neglect both their conscience and their responsibility to their country. Currently, investigations into the activities and lifestyles of employees of territorial centers for recruitment and social support are ongoing. All violations will be strictly and uncompromisingly assessed in accordance with the Criminal Code.

The Nemirovsky District Prosecutor's Office has transferred a confiscated minibus to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as part of a criminal investigation. According to the Vinnytsia Regional Prosecutor's Office, prosecutors in the Nemirovsky District carried out an investigation into a criminal case involving the forgery of vehicle identification numbers under Article 290 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. As a result of the pre-trial investigation, an application for the confiscation of the seized "Fiat Ducato" vehicle and its transfer to the state's assets to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine was approved by the court.

President Zelensky has changed the head of the Bolhrad District State Administration in the Odesa region. Both personnel decisions, regarding dismissal and appointment, were made by Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday, August 8.

By decree No. 142/2023-rp, Volodymyr Zelensky dismissed Hennadiy Bambur from the position of head of the Bolhrad District State Administration in the Odesa region. The reason cited was Bambur's submitted resignation letter.

By decree No. 145/2023-rp, the head of state appointed Mykhailo Sharafanenko as the head of the Bolhrad District State Administration.

A bill has been introduced to the Verkhovna Rada, proposing to involve conscripts who refuse to fight in public works and the country's reconstruction. This is outlined in bill No. 9566, initiated by Georgiy Mazurashu, a member of the "Servant of the People" party.

До Верховної Ради внесли законопроєкт, за яким пропонується військовозобов'язаних, що не хочуть воювати, залучати до громадських робіт та відбудови країни. Про це йдеться в законопроєкті №9566, ініціатором якого є нардеп від «Слуги народу» Георгій Мазурашу.


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